Are you ready to get out of victim mode and find the root cause of your problems so you can finally create the life you want? Let me be your guide.
You’re not broken.
Living with heavy emotions like anxiety and overwhelm can take a massive toll on your day-to-day. You’re putting on a brave face, but inside you’re panicking, overthinking, barely getting through. You’re feeling disconnected from yourself.
So You head to therapy. But there’s a big problem in the mental health world and we need to talk about it. The underlying presupposition is that you are broken and finding the right method, therapist or pill is the answer to your problems. You feel like a failure and a victim but the mental health system is ready to come to the rescue. Right?
Not really. The whole system is set up to detect pathology and treat symptoms.
Crying after the death of someone you love? Not motivated? Feeling anxious or sad? Feeling unworthy or hostile in your relationships? Overeating or drinking just to get through the day? There’s a pill for that. Or a set of coping skills that address the symptoms but skip the root cause. After all, it’s not your fault.
This leads you to feel continually unhappy and not know why. What you want is to make a meaningful contribution, feel connected and joyful. You want to ditch your destructive impulses and rediscover the real you beneath all the garbage life has heaped on you.
The collaborative and transformative work I do combines therapy with energy psychology. We operate from the belief that you are whole, beautiful, and resilient. You have everything you need to heal yourself. You just need new tools and a guide by your side.
You’re not a diagnosis. You’re not an imbalance. You’re an incredible survivor who will be empowered to reclaim the f*ck out of your life and tap back into your passion + purpose.
Let’s get you back on track.