Its time for a new approach to health and wellness.

Living with anxiety and overwhelming emotions can take a toll on your well-being. Most days, you put on a brave face and keep busy, but those moments of panic and the constant struggle to find relief can leave you feeling disconnected from your true self. It’s time to reclaim your life and find inner balance.

I am here to guide you on your path to wholeness and well-being. With a holistic approach to psychotherapy, I help you uncover and heal the deep roots of pain, disappointment, and mediocrity, allowing you to shine and excel. Together, you’ll address the conscious and unconscious blockages, traumas, and limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Through collaborative and transformative work, I will empower you to build healthier relationships, improve self-esteem, regain creativity, and take control of your life. Clients who have worked with me have experienced increased self-awareness, a deeper sense of purpose, improved relationships, and a reduction in anxiety and depression. They have found healing from overeating, trauma, toxic shame and loss, while reconnecting with their passions and life’s purpose.

Take the first step towards wholeness and schedule a consultation with me today.

It’s time to reclaim your life, embrace your true essence, and live joyfully in the present moment.

You are not broken. Your life is out of balance.

So much of modern therapy focuses on illness, blame, and learning to cope with things that feel wrong and out of balance.

This is institutionalized gaslighting and it keeps you stuck in a life that doesn’t serve you, bring you joy, or honor your life path and special gifts. It definitely doesn’t support your growth.  Even worse, it can make you believe you’re a victim.  

You know you’re a beautiful, resilient survivor, and you want to get back to your true nature. You crave wholeness, peace of mind, and well-being.

You just need help finding your way.

Do you feel like the mental health system is broken?

Can you ever get truly healthy in a broken system?

My name is Tracey Cardello
and it’s my pleasure to meet you.

I believe that we are meant to be radiant, joyful and abundant.

I help people who feel dis-ease, dis-integrated and dis-connected find the root cause of their unhappiness, regain balance and move toward wholeness and wellbeing.

I will help you uncover and heal your deep roots of pain, disappointment and mediocrity so that you shine and excel.

In our work together, I’ll teach you strategies to access your Inner Wisdom to heal the blockages, traumas, phobias, and limiting beliefs affecting you on the conscious, unconscious, body, and soul levels.

We’ll collaborate to build healthier relationships, boost your self-esteem, regain creativity, increase your finances, stop self-destructive behaviors, love and accept yourself more, and ultimately take control of your life.

You are searching for a path back to your true essence. Finding your way to my site is no accident. It’s synchronicity.

Blending The Best of Both Conventional & Alternative Therapies

My clients have seen incredible transformations in their lives, including:

  • Increased self-awareness and self-acceptance
  • A deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment
  • Improved relationships with partners, friends, and family
  • Greater financial abundance and career success
  • Healing from chronic toxic shame and fear
  • Reduction in anxiety and depression
  • Stabilization of weight and food addiction
  • Recovery from eating disorders, PTSD, etc.
  • Re-ignition of passion for career and hobbies
  • Discovering soul mission and life’s purpose
  • Increased motivation, drive, and creativity
  • Breaking free from negative thoughts and limiting beliefs
  • Achieving inner balance and peace
  • Living more joyfully in the preseant moment
  • Connecting more authentically with others

Get To The Root Of What’s Blocking You From Achieving Your Desires

Let’s Work Together

Allow me to be your guide as you navigate your healing journey.

Schedule a FREE 10 Min Curiosity Call

Do you have any basic questions? Book a call to learn more about me and my services, get answers to questions and determine if booking an Initial Assessment is right for you.

Schedule a Consultation

We’ll discuss your unique situation and the goals you’d like to achieve. If we determine that working together is a good fit, we’ll schedule our first session(s).

Strengthen Your Intuition & Access Your Inner Wisdom To Get Everything You Want Out Of Life