What are the signs, symptoms and treatment options for eating disorder?

If you have the habit of eating less or excessively, you might be showing signs of an eating disorder. It may result in psychological factors, socio-cultural factors or genetic factors. Eating disorders are a complex problem influenced by a variety of factors. We do not know the exact reason behind this disorder, but as per the researchers, a combination of psychological, biological and environmental abnormalities lead to this disorder. Irregular hormonal functions, genetic factors, nutritional deficiency, lack of self-esteem, dysfunctional family dynamics, any undertake of a profession that requires a slim body, child sexual abuse, etc., can show up the symptoms and results of an eating disorder. If your career demands you to stay lanky and thin, you will have this problem. Similarly, aesthetically oriented activities like gymnastics, rowing, running, wrestling can bring forth nutritional deficiency. It has various signs and symptoms. On the other hand, the treatment options are also many.

What are the signs of an eating disorder?

The one who is suffering from an eating disorder may show up several signs and symptoms. They include:

• Excessive dieting even if one is underweight to a dangerous extent.

• Rapid or frequent weight fluctuations

• Obsessing over fat content, carbs, calories, or nutrition.

• Ritualistic eating patterns like cutting food items into small pieces, hiding food or eating alone.

• Avoiding social functions like weddings or parties because there might be food. Isolating yourself from social gatherings or friends.

• Feelings of depression, anxiety, or social isolation.

• A feeling of nervousness when eating meals or compensating for calorie intake by exercising or fasting.

• He/she cooks delicious meals for others but doesn’t eat. She simply refuses to partake.

• Switching over from the period of fasting to overeating or binging.

The need for treating an eating disorder.

Anyone can show signs of an eating disorder. It can strike anyone but is most common after a trauma or abrupt change in life circumstance. A comprehensive treatment plan is necessary. Choose a professional who specializes in treating eating disorders. She can bring about early recovery and help through the healing process. You may require a team of nutritionists, therapists and doctors to curb this problem. Some of the treatment options are given below:

• Medical care is needed to address the health condition resulting from eating disorders. A medical practitioner may prescribe medicines to treat the underlying medical condition to address eating disorder. When it comes to medication, care and monitoring for an eating disorder, it works in both ways.

• You should learn about healthy normal eating. The nutritionist will help you restore healthy weight. You do not have to be afraid of gaining weight. Nutritionists are experts at helping you prepare a meal plan that will see you to a healthy lifestyle.

• Therapy is another way of handling disorders relating to diet and eating. To address the symptoms of an eating disorder and its causes, the therapist prescribes various kinds of psychotherapies. It may be involving a single individual, a group of people or the entire family. Therapy is a powerful way of treating an eating disorder and healing a person from disastrous life events. Therapy helps an individual undergoing treatment for this disorder. All throughout the therapy, a therapist teaches healthy coping skills, how to communicate effectively and the ways of maintaining healthy relationships with others.

• If you are showing signs of an eating disorder or anxiety, mood swings, depression, medication may be helpful. Medicines can help to curb the urge to binge and purge or restrict.

There are various treatment options for eating disorders depending on the severity of the condition.

How dangerous is an eating disorder?

Eating disorders are serious mental health issues. It is important that you seek medical or mental health treatment as soon as you realize you have a problem. A prolonged eating disorder may result in a series of other ailments. In some cases, it can lead to heart failure, kidney failure, and death. Proper treatment will save you from disastrous consequences. If left unattended, an eating disorder can be fatal.

Treatment options for an eating disorder.

There are various treatment options for this disorder, depending on the underlying cause. Online you will find, inpatient, outpatient, and IOP or intensive outpatient treatment. Each level of care has its own medical criterion and you will need a complete intake interview with a professional to know which level of care is right for you. Get to know the symptoms, the signs, the types of eating disorders to find the category where you fall. If you find that you have this problem, immediately get help from a medical practitioner. A proper treatment plan can pave the way for a new life. You will start living a healthy lifestyle and build a positive image of yourself. There will be an improvement in self-esteem and overall happiness.

Recovery is possible once you know the signs of an eating disorder and get the help that you need to heal.